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Female, 53 years

Michelle R.

Female, 53 years

Oakland, USA

New Jersey certified English teacher with a background in journalism.


My career started in 1993 as a reporter at South Bergenite, a weekly newspaper serving 36,000 households in five towns in southern Bergen County, New Jersey. I served as editor in ... Read more

Teaching methodology

I prefer to begin with a reading, which we can then analyze together, followed by guided practice, and then a relevant student writing assignment. I'm much more interested in addre... Read more

  • $65

    Hourly rate
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Educational Qualification

Bachelor of Arts, English

New Jersey City University

  • United States
  • 2006

Learning Materials

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Questions for You

Q: What is your approach to teaching writing, and how do you help students develop their writing skills?

I like to start with an explanation about the type of writing they're doing, and a sample which we can analyze so they can see what the writer did effectively. Then we brainstorm, then draft, then revise together.

Q: How do you help students with grammar, spelling, and punctuation?

I like to use their mistakes to teach the concept. For private or small group tutoring, I have the luxury of going over a written piece word for word, coaching all throughout.

Q: What is your approach to teaching reading, and how do you help students improve their reading comprehension skills?

I like to have the student read a chapter or a section, ask relevant questions in an open discussion, and also be available to answer the student's questions.

Q: How do you help students with literary analysis and critical thinking skills?

I think the most important thing is to advise them what to look for as they do their research. I also teach a whole lesson on how to find articles, and another on how to choose authoritative sources.

Q: How do you help students with pronunciation and enunciation?


Q: How do you help students with public speaking or presentation skills?

I think a good rubric is extremely important, so the student knows what's needed for an effective speech or presentation. I always provide it with the assignment. If the student already has the assignment but no rubric, I'll make one based on what I would have wanted if it was my classroom.

Q: Can you explain complex English grammar rules in simpler terms for easier understanding?

I may have to research it myself, but yes, I can teach grammar to a small child.

Q: How do you motivate students who struggle with the language?

I try to motivate everyone with praise and encouragement.

Q: Are you familiar with the English curriculum and course requirements at my school?

I worked with the New Jersey state standards for five years and served on a committee rewriting our school's curriculum. I can ask your school for their curriculum if needed.

Q: How do you help students prepare for English exams and assignments?

Hopefully they have a study guide which we can do together. If not, I'll encourage them to request one if they have enough time. If necessary, I'll use their notes and my own research to make one. Lastly, if they have no notes, we'll rely entirely on my research.

Q: How do you ensure that students are actively engaged during tutoring sessions?

I frequently check in with questions to determine whether they are engaged and understanding as we work on the assignment. I can tell when a student has zoned out, and if they do, it's often because they stopped understanding and it's necessary to backtrack.

Q: Can you help with test-taking strategies for English exams?


Q: Are you willing to provide additional practice problems or resources for independent study?

Yes. You are paying me good money to help you succeed, and I will use my own time to come up with solutions for you.

Q: Are you able to provide assistance with English language certification exams, such as TOEFL or IELTS?

I myself have not worked with these specific exams before, but if I can teach SAT prep, then I can teach foreign language test prep too. It's all about good research and finding good examples for them to practice with.

Q: Can you provide guidance on choosing appropriate reading materials for improving English language skills?

Yes. We can research books and online lessons together. I also have a lot of friends who are still teaching in the classroom and will be able to make suggestions.

Q: How do you help students with business English skills, such as writing professional emails or conducting meetings in English?

I think warm, friendly coaching is what most people need.

Q: How do you help students with understanding and applying literary devices in English literature?

Find the example, teach the device, encourage the student to try it themselves.

Q: How do you encourage students to pursue their own writing interests in English?

I start with encouraging them to keep a journal.

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